King David reminds us about how God feels about evil — and by seeing that, we’re challenged and encouraged about where we want to be and who we are.
The familiar verse “the righteous will live by his faith” is quoted multiple times in the New Testament to remind us of God’s grace through faith. But, it’s point doesn’t stop there — it also assures us of God’s faithfulness in times of trouble.
Like Habakkuk, we often wonder why God leaves us waiting in the midst of things that just aren’t how they should be. Why does evil prosper? Why does God allow his people to suffer? How do we process these things?
We struggle to get our heads around why God allows suffering. How do we make sense of what happens in our world?
The world often seems very dark. Where do we find light in this dark world?
On this one year anniversary of Steadfast, we continue our series, “Six Poisons,” thinking about the evil plans we can allow ourselves to fall into — and God’s better plans.