How do we serve in difficult circumstances? By following the faithful servant.
What does Godly leadership look like? Agur helps us to consider that in the next verses of Proverbs 30.
The proximity of Jesus is no replacement for following Jesus. Do we obey Jesus or are we just near Jesus? Maybe God is calling us to do more.
Are we shining lights into our world or are we spreading darkness? As we continue in Philippians 2, we’re challenged to think about our role in showing God’s light in this world.
What does it mean to work out our salvation with “fear and trembling”? How does that help us to understand our calling as believers and as the church?
Human nature leads us to want people to think highly of us. But what does the example of Jesus show?
New year, new goals, and a new you. The new year is always filled with expectation and anticipation, but how do we focus our goals and vision towards Jesus. In this message, we explore how 2022 can be your best year if it’s your best year in Jesus.
Starting over may seem daunting, but that doesn’t mean it’s the end. Starting over sometimes means a fresh start and a new beginning.
Do we want to hang onto earthly riches or the honorable demeanor that God brings out of our lives?
What do the Olympics have to do with the life God has called us to? Let’s race to the answer tonight as we turn to the Letter to the Hebrews for 52 Verses from 52 Books in 52 Weeks!