Entries Tagged 'Holidays'

Ash Wednesday

Coming Before Our Forgiving God

As we enter into a season of preparation in the weeks ahead of Easter, Ash Wednesday is a time to stop, reflect and place before God those sins and struggles we are burdened by. Join us for a brief evening prayer service that will include receiving ashes, a sign God’s people have participated in since the Old Testament times to express our frailty before God. As we take this time together, we will be reminded of the life He offers us in His Word.

Holy Week at Little Hills

Reflecting on Jesus's Sacrifice and Celebrating His Love

Over Lent, we have been studying the Lord’s Prayer in a series entitled “Our Prayer.” During Holy Week, we will look at the closing sections of that prayer and see how they give us insight into God’s work that Jesus accomplished for all of us through His death and resurrection.

Ash Wednesday

Coming Before Our Forgiving God

As we enter into a season of preparation in the weeks ahead of Easter, Ash Wednesday is a time to stop, reflect and place before God those sins and struggles we are burdened by. Join us for a brief evening prayer service that will include receiving ashes, a sign God’s people have participated in since the Old Testament times to express our frailty before God. As we take this time together, we will be reminded of the life He offers us in His Word.

Good Friday and Easter Saturday

Reflecting on Jesus's Sacrifice

We will be posting short video devotionals throughout Good Friday as we remember what our Savior did for us.

Easter at Little Hills

Reflecting on Jesus's Sacrifice and Celebrating His Love

This week we reflect on the unfathomable price Jesus paid to offer us the hope of salvation. We have several special moments planned to help us focus on what He has done for us and we hope that you will share them with us.

Maundy Thursday

A Holy Week Meditation on Jesus's Love

Little Hills will be streaming a special Maundy Thursday journey through the Gospels’ account of the night Jesus was betrayed and the crucifixion. Please share this time with us, as we reflect on the wondrous love of our Savior.

Maundy Thursday and Good Friday

A Live Streamed Journey Through Holy Week

Little Hills will be streaming a special Maundy Thursday/Good Friday journey through the Gospels’ account of the night Jesus was betrayed and the crucifixion. Please share this time with us, as we reflect on the wondrous love of our Savior.

Holy Week at Little Hills

Reflecting on Jesus's Sacrifice and Celebrating His Grace

This week we reflect on the unfathomable price Jesus paid to offer us the hope of salvation. We have several special moments planned to help us focus on what He has done for us.

Maundy Thursday and Good Friday

A Live Streamed Journey Through Holy Week

Little Hills will be streaming a special Maundy Thursday/Good Friday journey through the Gospels’ account of the night Jesus was betrayed and the crucifixion. Please share this time with us, as we reflect on the wondrous love of our Savior.