Entries Tagged 'Jesus'

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This Week at Little Hills: Malachi (February 9, 2023)

How do we think we become acceptable before God? Jason helps us to think about the reality of God’s grace.

This Week at Little Hills: Jonah (February 2, 2023)

Jim helps us to think about what we learn from Jonah’s attempt to flee God’s calling for his life.

This Week at Little Hills: Haggai (January 26, 2023)

Pastor Tim takes us to Haggai this week as we think about our priorities, our struggles to focus on the Lord and the wonder of His fulfilled promises.

What Did Mary Know? (December 11, 2022)

How did Mary wrap her mind around who Jesus is? How do we?

Christmas Eve at Little Hills

Come Online to Celebrate the Savior's Birth with Us

Join us on December 24 at 7 pm on Christmas Eve as Little Hills — a special moment to prepare our hearts for Christmas Day. During the service we will share in the culmination of our journey through the Four Gospels telling of the Savior’s arrival. We will share in readings from God’s Word, singing Christmas carols and enjoy a candlelight service to celebrate that our Savior is born!

Joy (December 4, 2022)

What does true joy look like? It isn’t necessarily what we imagine.

Hope (November 27, 2022)

Do we have hope? Do we have our hope in the right thing?

Welcome Home (November 13, 2022)

As we look to those around us, do we see them as in need of the same grace God gives us?

Know Beyond the Shadow of a Doubt (November 6, 2022)

Do we understand how secure our salvation is because of Jesus?

The Testimony of Christ (October 30, 2022)

Who do we say Jesus is?

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