Entries Tagged 'Steadfast'

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The Repetition Trampoline (March 17, 2025)

A special fifth anniversary Steadfast takes us to the next part of Psalm 9.

Songs for Our Temple (Week 27: Ps. 79-81)

Pastor Tim takes us to Psalms 79-81 to find hope in the dark times of life.

Songs for Our Temple (Week 26: Ps. 76-78)

We turn with Jason to Psalms 76, 77 and 78. As reflect on the perfection and holiness of God, what is our proper response?

Songs for Our Temple (Week 25: Ps. 73-75)

Jim takes us through the next Psalms — 73-75 — and what we find out about our God and His calling for us in them.

Songs for Our Temple (Week 23: Ps. 67-69)

Jim Krenning takes us through the next Psalms — 67-69 — and what we find out about our God and His calling for us in them.

Songs for Our Temple (Week 22: Ps. 64-66)

Uncertain times are a perfect time to turn to our latest Psalms — 64, 65 and 66 — which remind us of a God who is righteous, in control and faithful.

Proverbially Speaking: Is God to Be Feared?

The Book of Proverbs talks about Fear of the Lord. What does that mean? Pastor Tim explores what we find out about this confusing term when we look at how it is used throughout Proverbs.

The God Who Opens Closed Doors

Pastor Tim shares a message from John 20:30-31 to close out “Closed Doors” by reflecting on how the signs contained in the Scriptures are for us and how we are a sign to others.

Closed Doors: Jesus Equips the Broken

Join Pastor Tim this week as he shares from John 20:22-23 on how Jesus equips us even in our weakness and brokenness.

Closed Doors of Doubt

Thinking about Thomas’s story should encourage all of us as we struggle with doubts throughout life. Join Pastor Tim as he shares a message from John 20:24-29 on Thomas and Jesus’s love for the disciple even in his doubts.

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