We struggle with being thankful when things are still not right, but David helps us to see the opportunity to thank our God right now.
If God is a God of justice (and He is), then how do we live in a time of injustice? David wrestles with this in the middle of Psalm 7.
Pastor Tim reflects on the empty tomb’s uncertainty before the disciples encountered the Risen Jesus.
What do the days we live in indicate? What should we truly be anticipating? As life and the uncertainty of the world swirls around us, God calls us to focus in our anticipation.
Keeping in mind what is coming can cause us to focus even more on worldly matters, but it shouldn’t. It should help us care more about the world knowing Jesus.
As we look toward the future, there is an urgency mission even as we find ourselves waiting for God’s fulfillment of prophecy. But it requires us to keep our focus.
Our world moves us to ever increasing indifference, but as we pick up in 2 Peter 3, the Apostle calls us to be ready for Jesus’s return.
When we feel so far removed from the things to celebrate, can we still have a reason to rejoice?
When we feel like we’re standing in the DMV and missing the paperwork we need, what does God’s Word say to redirect us?