Articles by Timothy R. Butler

Timothy R. Butler is Editor-in-Chief of Open for Business. He also serves as a pastor at Little Hills Church and FaithTree Christian Fellowship.

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This Week at Little Hills (November 10, 2024): God's Leads Us

We don’t always expect how God is going to lead us, but we can follow Him knowing He is very much with us every step of the way.

Those Who Drive Us Batty (November 4, 2024)

As we come an election and contemplate how much those around us drive us crazy, God calls us to a different path as the church than what the world says we ought to do. We turn to 1 Timothy 2 for insights into the Lord’s plan for us in a partisan world.

This Week at Little Hills (November 3, 2024): God's Rescues Us

God is the Savior — He rescues us from the issues big and small in our lives.

Be Chocolate to the World (October 28, 2024)

As we try to not just do something but something pleasing to God, how do we do that? How do we add the flavor of His love into a world that needs it?

This Week at Little Hills (October 28, 2024): God's Faithfulness

God is faithful. We see that demonstrated in everything He does other than make His creation flourish.

Faithtoberfest 2024

The Joy of Faith in the Middle of the Fall

Faithtoberfest returns to a crisp autumn night outside of FaithTree’s home, the Upper Room. On October 18 at 6:30 pm we will have a special, in-person and live streamed festival of incredible music from gifted artists all around our area, entertaining skits and terrific gift card prizes! Come in person if you can, because we will have delicious food as part of the festivities, but either way, please RSVP for this year’s event and relive last year’s fantastic festivities, below.

This Week at Little Hills (October 17, 2024)

How is God working even when things seem to be going in ways we think are “shipwrecks”? Pastor Tim turns to Paul’s journey to Rome for this week’s encouragement ahead of Faithtoberfest.

Knowledge Needs to Go Somewhere (October 14, 2024)

James encourages us to listen but not to stop at listening. Combining listening and acting is necessary for arriving where God wants us.

This Week at Little Hills (October 12, 2024)

Pastor Tim thinks of the splendor of the autumn leaves and how that splendor points to the even more wondrous Creator behind them.

Slow to Speak, Slow to Share (October 7, 2024)

How often do we “listen” to other people without really listening? How often do we jump immediately to actions and words that don’t reflect the heart of God? James challenges us to do something different.

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