Articles by Timothy R. Butler

Timothy R. Butler is Editor-in-Chief of Open for Business. He also serves as a pastor at Little Hills Church and FaithTree Christian Fellowship.

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Advent Wreath Lighting

Join in a Special Time of Preparation

Every Sunday evening, we’ll share an Advent Candle lighting that includes a member of the community sharing some of the promises of Scripture that help us to prepare for Christmas. Come to our site or or social media pages each Sunday night at 7:30 pm to take part. You can even set up an Advent Wreath of your own and share the candle lighting with your family, if you would like, following along as we do it.

Christmas at Little Hills

Come Celebrate with Us

God is with us — that’s what we celebrate at Christmastime! As we enter into this season, we are going to take time to look at how His Spirit led men and women that first Christmas, and leads us now, that we can rejoice in His love.

There's the Old Sheriff in Town (November 15, 2021)

We often struggle to understand the difference between legalism and keeping God’s Law. So did the Pharisees. To understand this difference, we must consider what God’s Law says and what it is meant to do.

Lawbreaker (November 8, 2021)

Who is the real lawbreaker? The Pharisees thought Jesus was. In this series we’ll turn to Luke 5 and 6 to think about God’s Law, legalism and restoring grace.

52 Verses, 52 Books, 52 Weeks (Week 45: 1 Timothy)

How should we be people of thanksgiving not just as we enter the month that features “Thanksgiving Day,” but every day?

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