Home: Local Church Messages: Little Hills

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Righteous or Rusty? (December 5, 2022)

Are we trying to impress people or are we doing what God has actually called us to in faithfulness?

Faithful Waiting (December 4, 2022)

God often calls us to be faithful as we wait for what He is doing next. What does that look like?

Songs for Our Temple (Week 49: Ps. 138-140)

Pastor Tim takes us through Ps. 138-140, which guide us to think about how God knows us and is faithful and merciful to us wherever we may be in life.

Who Is the One Born on Christmas? (November 28, 2022)

We know the what… Jesus is born. But, do we know the “who”?

Songs for Our Temple (Week 48: Ps. 135-137)

Pastor takes us through Ps. 135-137 and thinks about how they fit into the time of preparation we call “Advent.”

Really Now: Is This Going Anywhere? (November 21, 2022)

Is the future just more of the same or does God have bigger plans for us and the world?

We Need a Pardon (November 20, 2022)

Do we understand just how much forgiveness we need? Do we understand truly the only place we can find it?

Songs for Our Temple (Week 47: Ps. 132-134)

Jim takes us through Ps. 132-134 and helps us to think about how they call us to further trust and faithfulness in our God in all situations.

Don't Take Grafting for Granted (November 14, 2022)

This week we explore how we get to be a part of the story we have been following throughout Scripture. And how that affects our attitude.

Broken Plates (November 13, 2022)

Do we just want to replace the most obviously broken parts of our life or are we willing to have God completely renew us?

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