Realizing God’s purpose can bring a sense of fulfillment to our lives. Unfortunately, our focus can be disrupted by various distractions, which can prevent us from discovering our true calling. By surrendering to His will every day, we can unlock blessings and experience transformation.
Why are we doing the things we do? Are we doing them because we love our God?
How do we think we become acceptable before God? Jason helps us to think about the reality of God’s grace.
Jim helps us to think about what we learn from Jonah’s attempt to flee God’s calling for his life.
Do we have a purpose in life? Pastor Tim wraps up our series on Psalm 3, looking at our individual callings from God.
We struggle to get our heads around why God allows suffering. How do we make sense of what happens in our world?
How do we understand God saying His Word will harden hearts? What does that mean for us?
Are we called by God? Do we understand our calling any more clearly by way of Isaiah’s?
How do we understand ourselves in relationship to God? Isaiah 6 challenges us to think about that.