Sure, all things work out for the good, but that doesn’t make it any easier to go through. Even Jesus who knows the future, and knows the joy that lay ahead, became distressed at what came before the joy.
Being dismissed is hardest when it’s by those who know you best. However, Jesus empathizes with your pain and promises security in his presence.
Don’t let disappointment steal the hope you have in God. In His last days, Jesus experience disappointment when what was best was traded for what is less. However, these disappointments can create divine appointments with God.
Are we being faithful just in the abstract or in what God has provided us with right now, in this moment?
Often, the attitude we bring to money is that we tell God, “You need to mind your business and get out of mine.” However, in His word we are reminded that our wealth comes from God. And if it belongs to him and comes from him.
Our good deeds can bring us close to Jesus, however, they are not enough. We must believe in Jesus and that’s what gets us in the family of Jesus.
We can have all the success that the world had to offer and still feel empty inside. However, the calling that God has on our lives is far more significant than any success that the world has to offer.
Risk can either invite fear or kick off your faith. When we choose faith, the reward is always worth it?
Have you ever been tempted to hide your faith? Sometimes we feel embarrassed to share our faith, however, Jesus calls us to not live a hidden faith but an unleashed faith!
Pastor Nikomas begins a new series helping us think about unleashing the love of God in our own community.