God has guided His People over history. As we look at that history, does it tell us anything about how He views us today?
Pastor Tim lights the second candle (the Peace Candle) as we continue through a special #52Verses52Books52Weeks journey through Advent. This week, we turn to the Gospel of Matthew.
What is the true Spirit of Christmas? This year, we’re going to be thinking about how the Holy Spirit works throughout the story of Jesus’s coming and what His continued work means for us today.
It’s Advent starting today and Melanie Haynes will help us focus our hearts as the season begins by lighting the first Advent Candle and taking #52Verses52Books52Weeks to the Gospel of Mark.
What do we do when it appears that to do good towards others conflicts with following God’s law? Is it bad to do good?
Join us as Jim takes us to 2 Peter to think of the real source for how we become “better people.” It isn’t a self-help book.
We often struggle to understand the difference between legalism and keeping God’s Law. So did the Pharisees. To understand this difference, we must consider what God’s Law says and what it is meant to do.
Join us as Jim takes us to 2 Peter to think of the real source for how we become “better people.” It isn’t a self-help book.
Who is the real lawbreaker? The Pharisees thought Jesus was. In this series we’ll turn to Luke 5 and 6 to think about God’s Law, legalism and restoring grace.
How should we be people of thanksgiving not just as we enter the month that features “Thanksgiving Day,” but every day?